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McDonald's Customers Are Using Plastic Coffee Lids To Avoid Paper Straws


Using Plastic Coffee Lids To Avoid Paper Straws.

Remember when McDonald's did that thing to help save our planet? Replacing the fast-food chain's old plastic straws with biodegradable paper ones was a move that made most people sing from the rooftops - but others had different ideas.

You'd think reducing plastic usage to help save the future of the planet would be a cause we could all get behind - but more than 35,000 people signed a petition to bring back environmentally unfriendly plastic straws.

The argument against paper straws seems to be that they go 'mushy' in your mouth (fuck knows what you're doing with them) - so some have resorted to removing the plastic lid from their soft drink and replacing it with a plastic coffee lid, which just happens to be the exact same size.

According to the Metro, the coffee lids are being handed out to anyone who asks for them, as their small, raised opening mean they can double up as some sort of minuscule straw that stops people from having to go through the trauma of drinking through a paper one...

C'mon, guys, get a grip.

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Some people have dubbed the revelation a 'game changer', with others boasting about finding their way around this tragedy.

Who would have thought that something that seems like a positive move to lessen the amount of single-use plastic that ends up in the ocean could cause so much consternation, eh?

McDonald's made the decision to switch last year after another petition calling for the company to get rid of the single use plastic straws.

At the time, McDonald's UK and Ireland's CEO, Paul Pomroy, said: "Reflecting the broader public debate, our customers told us they wanted to see a move on straws but to do so without compromising their overall experience when visiting our restaurants."

According to figures released last summer, the restaurant chain uses about 1.8 million straws every day in the UK - each single-use plastic straw can take hundreds of years to decompose if it isn't sent to be recycled, and the cumulative effect can cause great damage to wildlife and the environment.

LADbible has claimed the world's first country made entirely of trash to highlight the issue of plastic pollution in our oceans.

Get involved and ensure the world's first country made of trash is its last. Find out more here.

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