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Cross-border e-commerce exchange meeting held in Wuxi



Major operations held talks in Wuxi to discuss the prospects of environmentally friendly paper straws and tableware.
Cross-border e-commerce exchange meeting held in Wuxi
Yesterday, the second session of the Cross-border Network Chamber of Commerce CEO Salon was held in Wuxi. The leaders shared their experiences and opinions. The dry goods were full, practical, and grounded, and they could be directly landed. The sharing of the foreign trade in Xicheng’s foreign trade industry is even more Topping, a whisper. At the dinner, I pointed out the shortcomings of the current enterprise, and put forward suggestions and improvement measures. Everyone chatted late at night and left, listening to Jun’s words and winning a decade of books!

In the future, our paper straws and wheat straws will make greater progress under the leadership of the leaders.